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why us
At Vasansi, a product's journey starts with procuring grey fabric (white thaan) directly from textile mills and weavers in remote villages. Then from dyeing, Printing and further processing the fabric it in our 33 years old factory, to product sampling, embroidery, stitching in our other factory. We do every bit In-House
vasansi jaipur
Vasansi Jaipur has been Innovating fabric processing techniques since decades! Read skin-friendly dyes, colors and breathable fabrics. We are design enthusiasts and specialise in developing vasansi signature prints and patterns.
Starting with the greige fabric till the ready product, the entire product cycle takes place in-house. Eliminating all middle men, thus, enabling us to offer unmatched, supreme quality at such competitive pricing.

D-69A, JLN Marg, Jaipur
(Landmarks : Birla Mandir, Teenmurti Circle)